Malhadinha Nova 2008

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Ualmindelig fyldig og velsmagende vin med mørke frugter lavet på druerne Alicante Boushet, Syrah og Cabernet Sauvignon fremstillet af Malhadinha Nova i Alentejo. Alkohol 14,5% Vol. Indhold: 75cl.

Denne vin er yderst koncentreret og meget mørkrød i farven. I duften finder vi marmelade, modne frugter, komplet og rund. Smagsmæssigt har vi at gøre med en næsten ekstem rødvin med stor elegance, hvor masser af mørke attraktive fruger dominerer med en blød og rund lang eftersmag. Denne vin bør prøves - den er ekstraordinær.

Druetyper: Alicante Boushet, Syrah og Cabernet Sauvignon 

Den passer godt til kraftige retter som oksemørbrad med brun sovs, men er også rigtig god til dessert.

Bør nydes ved en temperatur mellem 16-18 grader C.

Alkohol: 14,5% Vol.
Indhold: 75cl.


Wine Advocate #169 (Feb 2007)   Mark Squires 90 points Drink 2008-2016

"The 2004 Tinto was aged for 14 months in French oak. It is a blend of 45% Aragones, 40% Alicante Bouschet, and 15% Cabernet Sauvignon. This arrived rather closed and needed decanting to show well. When it did, it proved itself to be a rather charming wine, with an elegant mid-palate. It is tasty and often lively, with a graceful, somewhat Burgundian feel. It has some oak-softened edges, and some grip on the finish. Aromatic and well constructed, it provides a little more intensity, focus and refinement than its younger sibling, the 2005 Monte Da Peceguina, but no more flavor. It did begin to grow on me with aeration. This is a wine to appreciate for its refinement rather than its intensity and depth. While it is not particularly complex, there are things to like here. Whether you think there is enough to like to justify its hefty price is up to you. The wine is more or less approachable now, but ideally could use a little time to settle down. There were 2,866 six-packs produced. Drink 2008-2016. " Robert Parker

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